The Benedictine ethos is at the core of our school's unique identity. Founded in 1942 by Benedictine monks, St. Anselm's remains a monastic school to this day and shares a 40-acre campus with the monks of St. Anselm's Abbey. The following Hallmarks of Benedictine Education, originally developed by the Association of Benedictine Colleges and Universities, are at the heart of what it means to be a Benedictine school in the 21st Century.

List of 10 items.

  • Love of Christ and Neighbor

    Call to support others as a community, impelled by the love for Christ above all things.
  • Prayer

    Participation in the Benedictine liturgy, lectio, and personal prayer to grow mindful of God’s eternal presence and open to the movement of the Spirit.
  • Stability

    Committing oneself to a place for a lifetime through prayer and work, cultivating lasting relationships among confreres, faculty, students, and parents.
  • Conversatio Morum

    Conversion of self, by daily commitment to Christ rather than self-centered preoccupations, getting up again after one falls, and letting oneself be transformed to give glory to the Lord.
  • Obedience

    Listening to one another with mercy, working to understand and anticipate the needs of others, and acting to serve those needs, which may be different than our own.
  • Discipline

    A daily dedication to begin again in facing responsibilities, stretching beyond one’s comfort level to master complex practices and ideas.
  • Humility

    Walking in true knowledge of self in relation to God, others and creation; recognizing limitations without losing hope, and accepting gifts without becoming arrogant.
  • Stewardship

    Revering all of creation in its beauty and proper use, recognizing it as a gift from God, and using what we have for the sake of all people.
  • Hospitality

    An acceptance of others, offering a place in which persons and ideas feel “at home” where each can be transformed by one another on a common journey.
  • Community

    Embracing a shared life in the classroom and in extracurricular activities, through prayer and academic work for the common good of self and each other for today, tomorrow and forever.