Student Life
The Arts

Priory Players

Have you wanted to be a part of a show, but have never had the time? Do you want to be a part of the most successful show to ever happen at this school?
Join the Newsies Brooklyn Cast!
You don’t have to audition/try out.
  • You only go to 4 practices. (2 of which include a meal!)
  • You go to all 3 shows.
  • You appear in a short, easy, and fun moment of the show. 
That's it!
The Priory Players perform an all-school musical in November, an upper-school play in March, and a middle-school play in May. The Priory Players hold auditions for all performances and sign-ups for the pit-orchestra and tech crews. Auditions and other important announcements are sent via the school bulletin and during morning announcements. The Priory Players is the oldest, longest-standing extra-curricular organization at St. Anselm’s Abbey School!