
Parents Association

The Parent Association exists to enrich the experience of all students and their families at St. Anselm’s Abbey School. All parents and guardians are members of the PA, which is lead by the PA Council. Comprised of Form Representatives to the Council from Forms A-VI and led by an Executive Committee, the Council helps organize parent volunteers for a variety of events and projects in support of the mission of the school. The PA Council meets monthly during the academic year, and hosts three general meetings for all members throughout the year.

Parents Association Officers and Reps

Executive Board
Emily Riley Citkowski
Krzys Laski
Claire Mooney
Victoria Lacuesta
Mona Amatie
Debra Kushner
Michael Greenfield

At-Large Council Members
Abbeywear Sales
Jeremy Greiner
Laura Libanati
Eva St. Claire
Basketball Tournament
VACANT: Form III please volunteer!
Clothing Exchange
Axelle Harasty
Coffee Connect
Paul Harasty
First Friday Mass & Book Club
Laura Libanati
Gala Rep
Jasmine Musgrave
Girl School Liaison
Adaeze Ezebuiro
Charlotte Ivancic
Interhouse Council Liaison
Annie Stahley
Parent’s Council of Washington
Farzaneh Paslar
Senior Ceremony: Arts
Senior Ceremony: Sports
Becky Widman

Form Parent Representatives
Form A
Bob Caretta
Nancy Caretta
Chelley Coley
Form I
Axelle Harasty
Paul Harasty
Sarah Carr
Form II
Danielle Bedlion
John Scott
Form III
Kerry Nangle
Miriam Rudolph
Form IV
Sara Moghadam Pietras
Bob Carey
Mayra Griggs
Form V
Susan Duarte
Erica Iweanoga
Kristina Foley 
Amanda Orr
Form VI
Damali Baxter 
VACANT (Please Volunteer!) 

PA Meeting Dates